
let's not be friends

in general, i think i cope with people pretty well. i say cope because as a rule i generally detest "people"; large groups of them, certain individuals, and just the whole idea of other people. which is why i have little to no patience for those who test the limits of being an Unlikable Person further, by doing stupid things like holding grudges and going back on their word. if i wronged a person, truly wronged them, i could accept them being upset with me, not wanting to talk to me, or thinking i'm a douchebag. but i am NOT a douchebag just because i don't shape my intentions around what someone else wants. there are very few people important enough to make me consider them in any decision making process that AFFECTS ME. these people i am talking about, they are selfish, and they are hypocrites. they are the sort of people that get angry with you for doing the very same thing in a situation that they would do were they in your place, and then stick their noses up in the air at you for living your life without them in mind. they're the people that stop answering friendly messages after begging you to stay their friend, they're the people who get new girlfriends or go a while without talking to you and assume that this means they must now hate you with ever fiber of their being. what the hell is wrong with this picture? let's take a step back. who is more selfish? the person who does what they think is right, even if other people don't like it, even if they themselves don't like the outcome, and tries to make the best of it, or the person that would rather make someone else live a lie and put up with nonsense to pacify someone? i'm not taking any more of this in my life. i live life for me, because at the end of my life the only person who needs to be satisfied is me. so from now on, any of those negative assholes who wish to ruin my peace with selfishness and pigheadedness can take their shit elsewhere.

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