
i have some things to say

- i wish you hadn't forgotten all about me so it would be more satisfying to forget you.nonetheless i'll enjoy it. it hurts me deeply that we can't even be mature, can't even maintain the relationship that YOU begged ME not to abandon, because you suddenly feel i'm some terrible person. i won't deny my wrongdoing; it was inexcusable. but the immaturity and pettiness it takes to go back on such strong words and abandon such a strong foundation astounds me coming from you. i honestly thought we'd always stay close, that you'd know how important you were to me and that the things we exchanged would be enough. sorry that i expected way too much from someone who was supposed to be my friend.
- the way i feel about most people, it's a huge surprise that missing you feels so wonderful. i worried that we would drift apart, but i feel a comfort between us that isn't effected (except maybe to be strengthened) by being separated. i think we are growing closer in new ways, and i'm really glad. i can't wait to spend time with you again.
- even though we don't talk as much or see eachother as we have in the past, you are so much a part of me. i think of you daily, i miss you just as often, and when i talk to you it only renews my sense that we're too connected for distance to matter. i love you like i love my family, and i'm so so glad that regardless of what changes our relationship goes through, that connection only gets stronger.
- you were never good for me, and i know that now, but it's a shame i figure it out just in time for you to realize i have nothing to offer you now. i'm sorry our timing was off, i think we could have been good friends, but i hope for your happiness whenever i think of you.
- i miss being your best friend, but i don't think the connection is salvageable. i still care about you and hope we always stay in touch, but i think we missed our moment.
- i miss you very much, and i thank you more than words can express for all the help and support you've given me. we haven't always seen eye to eye as i've grown up, but i appreciate the respect you've given me and my decisions and your ability to care about me and my happiness no matter what is going on around me. i love you and i'm glad i'm finally able to appreciate how important that is.
- i can't wait to see you and scratch your ears and let you lick my face and cuddle with you by the fire. you're counted among my best friends, even though you can't talk. i miss you and love you!
the identities of these aren't a secret, and if any of the people represented were to read it and want to know, you can ask. though, it should be pretty obvious if you're on here. the last, especially, though she will never know. =P
have a lovely day.

1 comment:

InfinitelyAngel said...

so i think that i could be a couple of these... but i think that i do know which one i am.

i miss you.

i think i'll write one of these.

i have been using this blog a lot more often.

i love you.