
i have good news.

On the Radio by Regina Spektor
I might not have enough loan money for my housing; I still haven't packed my room and I leave in 20 days; I have no plans for my birthday (approaching rapidly); my dog won't stop barking outside my window.
And then there is the news that actually IS awesome:
I'LL BE EIGHTEEN IN THREE DAYS; there is this way awesome kid who won't stop texting me and being nice to me who brought me SONIC today; my hands smell like oil pastels; my quarantine ended today! (Seriously who gets pink eye anymore? oh yeah. I do.)
So I don't really have any other news. Basically I need to pack up my room, pack up my life, get ready to go. And in the next 3 weeks I somehow have to squeeze in, all that packing, turning eighteen, attempting to get my license, going to Minneapolis, going to VEGAS, and seeing my beloved friends and family as much as possible. Oh well. Sleep is for the dead, right?
RIGHT. (le snore).
I only feel motivated to pack when I don't actually have the ability to do it. I think i will brew up some espresso, disguise it with lots of cream and sugar and pull an all- nighter to get this mess done. Yes. That is just what I'll do. As soon as Sixteen and Pregnant goes off.
This show is fascinating. I actually just wrote a whole schpiel about it but then realized that it was going nowhere as the words just piled up into a big ol' smelly rant. Suffice it to say, it's better than health class.
I have to stop procrastinating.
I have to pack, right now.
I have to.
I don't wanna.
I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.

1 comment:

unnecessarah said...

I love that song.
I miss you a fucking heap.
I miss my hair a little but I always cut it when I'm about to take a plunge of some sort.
I wish you were here and that I had a more creative way to start a sentence besides "I".
I don't care, come here.Nowwwwww.